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sometimes when you get into a forum or periodical discuttion open to the public, when you post that thing comes out. Awating for aproval. Some one reads it before it is posted to see that the content is does not violate their regulations on using bad words and the so.

I take it that some online papers do this for not posting something against what is the thinking of the staff publishing. for example. I was receiving the huffington post. every comment you read agrees with the articles. I made an experiment and wrote something to the contrary without using any bad words or any ridiculation of any person. It was never posted. I dont waste my time with the huffington post any more.

Mother Jones is a journal that once you register you can post after the articles with no problems.

so currently awaiting for aproval can be frustrating sometimes. now there is another issues. Social places such as Facebook and My space.

The owner can also put this until he sees the message left on the board to make sure what gets there wich is a good way to go.

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