Filters of Consent has to do with the electoral college. Filters of consent just means that someone or something has to go through many steps and different groups to be passed, or approved.
People are the source of all government power.
The government receives its authority to act from the people.
John Locke thought no government can exist without the consent of the governed.
A '''''State''''' can never be changed unless a state would consent to it.
No treaty by ANY president is valid without the consent of the Legislature.
Consent is a noun (the consent) and a verb (to consent).
What does uninformed mean?
part of your body that filters your youran
Two or more people consent same things in the same sense.
Subject to consent means that something is dependent on permission before being executed. Consent is given by the relevant parties.
Age of consent means the age the state or country have decided you are old enough to legally consent to sex.
Backwash is a term used by engineers when cleaning water filters or coolers they reverse the flow and wash out the filters or coolers
Agree; go along with
What does uninformed mean?
To give permission
deal with who can consent/object to a lawful search of a vehicle