Hot bunking is the sanctioned practice within military organizations of assigning more than one crew member to a bed or "rack" to reduce sleeping space. The practice dates back at least to the sixteenth century, and today is particularly applied aboard submarines, where maximization of space is especially important.
The cast of Bunking Off - 2005 includes: Robert Cavanah as Narrator
The word pairs include "bend bunking" which may have been meant to be bed bunking.
Hot bunking is the sanctioned practice within military organizations of assigning more than one crew member to a bed or "rack" to reduce sleeping space. The practice dates back at least to the sixteenth century, and today is particularly applied aboard submarines, where maximization of space is especially important.
ditching. truancy, playing hooky, bunking off, cutting class,
drunk, hunk, chunck, crunk, clunk, funk, junk, punk, trunk
because the concept of bunk beds is that you are bunking with another person or even just another bed
hot deal mean it is a real good discount or it's a great deal
because he is really hot, smoking hot
it means they are so hot and they are moms
it means that they are very attractive