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That means a case heard in a trial court was appealed to an appellate court; the appellate court agreed with the lower court's decision, and determined the case was conducted properly. When this happens, the appellate court "affirms" the trial court decision, and that decision becomes final unless the case is carried to a higher appellate court that reverses the trial court's decision.

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12y ago

A "higher court" is typically acting in an appellate capacity. The "lower court" is often the trial court. The trial court is charged with hearing evidence, making rulings on the admissibility of evidence, and applying the correct law to the facts. From that, a decision is reached on the merits of the case.

When an appellate (higher) court upholds the lower court's decision, it essentially means that it believes that the trial court applied the correct law and applied it correctly.

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11y ago

We call this "Certiorari". It's the ability for the higher courts to review, amend, and direct the lower courts to take a specific action requiring a case submitted to them. Typically, laymens call it an appeal.

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UPHOLD the lower court's decision. REVERSE the lower court's decision. REMAND the lower court's decision back to it.

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In general, state and federal courts have increasingly accepted DNA evidence as admissible. The first state appellate court decision to uphold the admission of DNA evidence was in 1988 (Andrews v. Florida, 533 So. 2d 841 [Fla. App.]), and the first major federal court decision to uphold its admission occurred in Jakobetz. By the mid-1990s, most states' courts admitted DNA test results into evidence.

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It doesn't have to "enforce"its decision (that's not the court's job), when a higher court acts on the case that is the law. Everybody is supposed to obey the law. If not the police, FBI, other enforcement agencies or methods are in place to enforce the higher courts decision. However a large part of what lawyers do in all courts is cite previous court decisions of other courts at all levels to convince the judge in their case that they are interpreting the law correctly for the benefit of their client.

When will an appellate court overturn a trial court's decision?

Sometimes. An appellate court judge or panel can overturn a lower court judge's (or jury's) decision if there are legal grounds for doing so; they can also affirm, or uphold, the decision.In the federal court system, the US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts have jurisdiction over cases heard in US District Courts, and have authority to overturn a decision.

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There is no court that supervises all other courts. You may be confusing supervision with the lower courts' obligation to uphold precedents set by the US Supreme Court. The Supreme Court doesn't "supervise" them, however.

What are the three types of rulings appellate court may issue?

Uphold the original decision - Overturn the original decision - Remand the case back to the lower court.

Which court is HIGHER district or circuit?

In the Federal court system, the district courts are the "lowest" courts. Cases usually start in district court and are decided there. The circuit courts are courts of appeal. That means that you can appeal a district court's ruling to the circuit court (and then to the Supreme Court, if you still don't like the ruling). In that sense, the circuit courts are "higher" than the district courts.

In which Supreme Court decision did the court uphold the right for states to regulate railroads and grain elevators?

munn vs Illinois

Which court can repeal decisions made in federal district courts?

U.S. courts of appealThe actual answer to your question is none. No-one repeals decision of any courts. However, decisions of courts can be reversed. The Federal Courts of Appeals can reverse decisions of federal district courts. That's it.Added: And the US Supreme Court can over-rule the decision of ANY inferior court.