voting for only one party.
A mixed ticket is the same as a split ticket.
The alternative to voting a straight ticket is to vote a split ticket.
Either split ticket vote, straight ticket vote , democratic vote, republican vote correct answer...straight party ballot/vote
This phrase refers to the practice of choosing a vice-presidential candidate who will attract voters in areas where the presidential candidate is weak. For example a Southerner might balance a Northerner or conservative might balance a liberal.
what is the purpose of balancing of the ticket
What does ops mean on a ticket
Kennedy was a Northern Liberal, and Johnson was a Southern Conservative.
a year ticket means it lasts for a year
That's frequently how it works. The idea behind a balanced ticket is to persuade more voters.
What does FFN mean in a Colorado lottery ticket
my balance sheet does not balance why?
This means that the holder of the ticket has the right to enter the area to see the show. It could also mean that the ticket holder has the right to get something from the concession (snack) stand.
No Registration
My ticket said I have to take it to lottery office to came.