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It means being unified as a citizen of your country and its philosophies. You can still have a freedom of your own religion and you can exercise your customs but cannot expect a society that has been built on a common philosophy for many generations to bend over and try to adjust to every immigrant's thoughts. I live in Canada, even though we have a predominant English speaking society we still push Bilingualism despite the fact that only 17% of our people speak French, by the way, the same percentage as in 1950. We "cowtow" to every custom so we don't "offend" anybody, and have turned into the same mess as England. Some melting pot, Many of our new citizens came from opressed countries and came here to start a new life. Instead many continue the same hatred but now it is supported by out left wing sweetheart government officials. We need unification of a common philosophy, can't we have a Canadian Custom??????

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Q: What does it mean to become a unified country?
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It means to form into a single unit, to unite, to bring togther. As in a unified nation.

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