The world is round, and maps are flat. It is difficult to accurately display a round object on a flat piece of paper.
A map is an illustration of a location, real or imaginary. It may include directions, or display locations in relation to known places. A geographic map is usually a flat representation of a physical area on the Earth's surface, as if seen from directly above.
the key to the map is usually called legeng in english language. I think you mean legend - legeng is not an English word Yea she is correct
Geography literacy refers to the ability of someone to generally know the locations of places on a map. It is generally referred to in order to show the inadequacies of education as children are unable to locate well known countries on the map, such as India.
No. Canada IS part of North America, however ... there is a difference if you look on a world map. There is also a South America, but none of that is part of the United States either.
A physical map
A Robinson map is a form of projection of the world map in which the whole world is illustrated as a single flat image. The poles are shown as straight lines rather than as points. These maps more accurately show the land to water proportions at high latitudes.
the atlas that truckers most use are maps in which show true shape but definitely indignify the size of the map
I'm unable to display images. However, you can easily find a map of the world by searching for "world map" on any search engine or by checking map websites such as Google Maps or MapQuest.
The Robinson projection shows the entire world map at once.
It depends on the map. On a political map they would show different countries. On a relief map they would show hills and mountains. On a thematic map they would display data.
North America inset map
The Robinson projection is known for balancing the distortion of shape and size, so both the shapes and sizes of continents and waterways are generally portrayed more accurately compared to other map projections. It is a compromise projection that tries to display the world in a way that is visually appealing while minimizing distortions.
Because it is next to impossible to accurately shown a map of the round world on a flat map. There will always be errors, because only a round globe can most accurately depict a true map of the world with all its countries and continents.
The key.
it means that the map is not like a map that IS drawn to scale. Instead of being accurately sized, it may use different scales to highlight certain features.
we make map to know find the countries, seas,continents.from the map we can find anything wher they are situated.
a projection map