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Economies have several types of businesses, such as agricultural, manufacturing and service. Agricultural and manufacturing businesses are self-explanatory. Service business are ones that provided services like telephone, sales, medical and the like to the economy. A country's economy is called a service economy if its businesses are predominantly service oriented as opposed to agricultural or manufacturing oriented. The US has more businesses that provide services to the public than farming or manufacturing businesses, therefore it is a service economy.

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Q: What does it mean to say the US has a service economy?
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What does it mean to say US has a service economy?

Economies have several types of businesses, such as agricultural, manufacturing and service. Agricultural and manufacturing businesses are self-explanatory. Service business are ones that provided services like telephone, sales, medical and the like to the economy. A country's economy is called a service economy if its businesses are predominantly service oriented as opposed to agricultural or manufacturing oriented. The US has more businesses that provide services to the public than farming or manufacturing businesses, therefore it is a service economy.

Is the US a service economy?

More and more, yes, the US is a "service" economy. We don't manufacture much any longer.

What is the largest sector in the US economy?


The service economy in the US presented increased opportunities for?

The service economy in the US presented increased opportunities for people to start small businesses. It was also an opportunity to increase available job opportunities.

The basis of the US economy has changed from?

agriculture to manufacturing to service industries

What is a current issue in the US?

One of the top issues in the US right now is the 'Economy', or maybe I should say the FALLING Economy. Hopefully the "Bail Out Bill" will somewhat fix/boost the economy. One of the top issues in the US right now is the 'Economy', or maybe I should say the FALLING Economy. Hopefully the "Bail Out Bill" will somewhat fix/boost the economy.

What does svc mean on a cellphone?

With no more information than you gave us I can only say that svc stands for service.

What does a down term in US economy mean?

Recession of the economy, or falling part of one economic circle.

In recent years the service sector of the US economy has?

Grown much more rapidly then the manufacturing sector.

Is it a sign of weakness is a national economy manufactures few of the goods that it consumes?

An economy cannot be totally reliant on services alone. However a service-economy is a sign of economic growth and development of the country. It's not a sign of weakness, rather it shows the strength of the economy. A service-based economy will be reliant on other countries for manufacturing products and catering to the demand of primary and secondary markets. However, no market is a pure service oriented market and US is no exception. So it's not a sign of weakness nor is it bad that US is a service-based economy. It just means that they have a highly skilled and competent workforce who work in the tertairy sector. But don't forget that US also has primary and secondary sectors- but they're not that dominant as compared to tertiary sector.

One major way the US economy has changed since 1960?

jobs have shifted from manfacturing to service industries