John Adams, how old are you? ( I am not yelling at you ) John Adams was the second president.
whoever is sober and still sittin in on the proceedings
sober, happy, spy, brave, and love of learning.
Love your country and want to get freedom
Benjamin Franklin. He was fresh off the boat from a 11 year residence in London, and some thought he was a British spy.
A "Sober" Second thought. Often thought of as ironic, because most of them are in their 70's.
Both 'checks and balances' and 'sober second thought'. In theory, that is.
not drinking anymore
Bring Me to Life was the first Single. Call Me When Your'e Sober was from the Second Album
"Sober second thought" (a check on the House of Commons) and to act as a representative body in parliament, representing all provinces and territories as well as other minority groups in Canada such as women, the disabled, Aboriginals, and racial minorities.
before you do something you should give a second thought.
"Call Me When You're Sober" is a song by the rock band Evanescence. It was released as a single on their second album entitled "The Open Door" in September of 2006.
more sober and most sober He was more sober than me. But she was the most sober of all of us
well, its different. it goes along with the video, and it does not mean she's a lesbian shes just doing what she wants done in a video. and i thought it was a nice touch.I thought it might be because she is so lonley that she makes out with herself. But its still weird. :P
If a guy gives you a second look, it typically indicates that he finds you attractive or interesting in some way. It could mean that he is intrigued and wants to get to know you better.
On Second Thought was created in 1989-11.
Sobering up means getting sober, as in not drinking alcohol.