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At the first reading of a bill, the Clerk reads the bill, then gives it to the Speaker of the House. He then stands up and tells the House what the title of the bill is.

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Q: What does the clerk do at a first reading of a bill?
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What is the next step after a bill receives is first reading?

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After a bill is received its first reading the next step is to what?

give the bill its second reading

What is the next step after a bill receives its first reading?

give the bill its second reading

What happens after a bill receives its first reading the next step is to?

give the bill its second reading

In what process is each bill given a title and a number?

It is given a title and number in the first reading.

How does a bill move through the house of representatives?

The bill is introduced into the House of Representatives when it is placed in a special box called a hopper, on the side of the clerk's desk. A bill clerk will then assign the bill with a number and then a reading clerk will read the bill to the Representatives. The Speaker of the House will then send the bill to one of the House standing committees. When the bill has been approved by the committee, it is sent back to the House of Representatives for debate and then voted on. When the bill get sent to the President and is vetoed, it will then be sent back to the House of Representatives and the bill may be voted into a law.

What happen to a bill after its first reading?

It's sent to the appropriate standing committee

If a rider is attached to a bill it must be introduced before what event?

If a rider is attached to a bill it must be introduced before first reading.

What did the duck say to the store clerk when buying chapstick?

The duck told the clerk, "Just put it on my bill."

In what process each bill is given a title and a number?

It is given a title and number in the first reading.