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that we are like our own frikking country. no frikking britishers can tell us what to do...i think? hehahahehhahahaehah

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Q: What does the constitution affirm declare firmly?
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Another word for declare?

affirm, acknowledge, announce, certify

What is another name for a predicate?

affirm - assert - allege - aver - maintain - declare

How many words can you think of to use instead of said?

stated declare assert deliver affirm

Is affrim and deny homophones?

Yes, "affirm" and "deny" are not homophones. They are pronounced differently and have different meanings. "Affirm" means to agree with or uphold something, while "deny" means to declare that something is not true or to refuse something requested.

What is the Canadian oath of allegiance?

I, ……………., do solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare the taking of an oath is according to my religious belief unlawful, and I do also solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second and her heirs. so god help me

Which Constitution does not declare the Union of India to be?


What gives congress the right to declare war?

The Constitution.

Who does the constitution gives power to declare war?


What is another word for prove?

check, affirm, test, verify, certify, show experiment, confirm, declare, authenticate

What it means to be against the constitution?

If a law is decided to be against the Constitution, the Supreme Court will declare it unconstitutional.

Which power is not extended to the president in the constitution?

The power to declare war.

What under the constitution has the sole power to declare war?
