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Good afternoon everybody please have a seat.As president and commander in chief,I look forward to the cabinet of the American people.However,the work of taking care of our nation is never done and we still have got much more to do.Today,I am pleased to nominate men and woman for my cabinet:Dorothy Hodman for ambassador to South Korea,Lyndon Felosi for secretary of energy,Michael Bond for director of the CIA,Tom Sanders for administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,Abigail Clinton for administrator of the Small Business Administration,Debby Bush for ambassador to Syria,John Blowner for secretary of education,and Sally Samson for ambassador to Saudi Arabia.Thank you all and may God bless the United States of America.

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Q: What does the speech Andrew Harkin nominates cabinet jobs look like?
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What does the Andrew Harkin October presidential line look like?

October 5,2037- Ospen invades Osbonene October 14,2037- Harkin delivers his war speech October 19,2037- war is declared between Ospen and Osbonene October 26,2037- Harkin negotiates a war peace treaty with Osbonene presidential James Arfwin

What does the biography of US president Andrew Harkin look like?

Andrew Harkin was born on August 14,2001,in a hospital in Portland,Oregon.He was the son of Patrick and Micah Harkin.In 2005,he was elected governor of Oregon.In 2007,Harkin graduated from Cooper Mountain.That year,he graduated from Montessori.In 2008,Harkin graduated from Sexton Mountain.In 2009,he easily won a second term as Oregon governor.That year,Harkin graduated from first grade.In 2010,his sister Gwenyth was born.On March 26,2010,Harkins term as governor came to an end.In the summer of 2010,he graduated from second grade.In 2011,Harkin graduated from third grade.In 2012,he became a member of the House of Representatives.That summer,Harkin graduated from fourth grade.In 2013,he graduated from O.T.In 2014,Harkin became a senator.In 2017,he became a state senator.In 2018,Harkin became the House Majority Leader.That year,he was appointed attorney general.In 2019,Harkin was elected mayor of Beaverton,Oregon.In 2020,he gave a speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention.In 2022,Harkin was elected lieutenant governor of Oregon.In 2023,he was appointed secretary of the navy.In 2024,Harkin gave a speech at the 2024 Democratic National Convention.In 2025,he was appointed secretary of state.In 2028,Harkin was appointed the assistant White House chief of staff.Later that year,he gave a speech at the 2028 Democratic National Convention.In 2029,Harkin was appointed secretary of defense.In 2030,he was appointed secretary of the treasury.Later that year,Harkin was appointed secretary of the army.In 2031,he was appointed secretary of the interior.In 2032,the Democrats nominated him to be their vice presidential candidate.Later that year,the Lewis-Harkin team won the election.On January 20,2033,he was sworn in as vice president of the United States.Later that year,he faced tragedy when his grandfather John Harkin died.In 2035,Harkin announced his candidacy for the presidency.In 2036,he won the Democratic nomination for president.On November 2,2036,Harkin won the election defeating Republican Senator Johnny Twash.On January 20,2037,he was sworn in as president of the United States.Later that year,he was wounded in an assassination attempt.He easily recovered quickly.In 2038,Harkin delivered his House annual message.That year,he delivered his Democratic annual message and Republican annual message.In 2039,Harkin announced his bid for re-election.Later that year,his grandmother Jean died.In 2040,he again won the Democratic nomination for president.On November 9,2040,Harkin won re-election defeating North Carolina governor Joe Edwards.A month later,he delivered his state of the union address.On January 20,2041,Harkin was sworn in as president for the second time.Later that year,he delivered his Supreme Court annual message.In 2042,his grandfather John Murphy died.After the explosion of the Page school bus,Harkin gave a speech about the tragedy.In 2043,he announced that he would not run for a third term.In 2044,Harkin delivered his Senate annual message.In 2045,his grandmother Carol died.On January 15,2045,he delivered his farewell address.It was to be his last speech delivered during his presidency.Five days later,Harkin retired to his home in Beaverton,Oregon.In 2046,he became speaker of the House of Representatives.In 2047,Harkin was appointed Chief Justice of the United States.In 2048,he gave a speech at the 2048 Democratic National Convention.Following the election,Harkin administered the oath of office to James Naker in 2049.In 2050,he quit his job as chief justice.In January 2050,Harkin was appointed U.S. Trade Representative.That summer,he was appointed director of the CIA.In 2051,Harkin became the Senate Majority Leader.In 2052,he gave a speech at the 2052 Democratic National Convention.In 2053,Harkin was appointed ambassador to the United Nations.In 2054,he was appointed secretary of agriculture.In 2055,Harkin was appointed the assistant secretary of the navy.In 2056,he was appointed secretary of commerce.Later that year,Harkin gave a speech at the 2056 Democratic National Convention.In 2058,he became chief justice of the Oregon Supreme Court.In 2059,Harkin was appointed secretary of labor.In 2060,he was appointed White House chief of staff.Later that year,Harkin gave a speech at the 2060 Democratic National Convention.In 2061,he was appointed secretary of health and human services.In 2063,Harkin faced tragedy when his father Patrick died.Later that year,he became Senate Minority Leader.In 2064,Harkin was appointed secretary of housing and urban devolpment.Later that year,he gave a speech at the 2064 Democratic National Convention.In 2065,Harkin became House Minority Leader.In 2066,he was appointed secretary of transportation.In 2067,Harkin was appointed secretary of energy.In January 2068,he was appointed assistant secretary of the army.That summer,Harkins mother Micah died.A few months later,he gave a speech at the 2068 Democratic National Convention.In 2069,Harkin was appointed secretary of education.In 2070,he was appointed secretary of veteran affairs.In 2072,Harkin was appointed secretary of homeland security.It was to be his last job in politics.Also in 2072,he gave a speech at the 2072 Democratic National Convention.In 2076,Harkin retired from politics and went home to Beaverton,Oregon.That year,Harkin gave a speech at the 2076 Democratic National Convention.In 2079,he established the Andrew Harkin Global Foundation.In 2080,Harkin gave a speech at the 2080 Democratic National Convention.In 2081,he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.He is the second president to win the Nobel Prize after leaving office.In 2084,Harkin gave a speech at the 2084 Democratic National Convention.In 2088,he gave a speech at the 2088 Democratic National Convention.It was to be his last speech.In 2089,Harkin was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease.In 2099,his brother Ethan died.Andrew Harkin sadly died from complications of the disease on November 7,21001.He was laid to rest in the backyard of his home in Beaverton,Oregon.In 21009,the Andrew Harkin Presidential Library opened in Downtown Beaverton.In 2110,Harkins sister Gwenyth died.That year,the Andrew Harkin National Airport opened in Portland.In 2117,president Sarah McDisney made Harkin Day a national holiday.In 2120,HarkinWorld opened in Lake Oswego,Oregon.In 2125,HarkinLand opened in Tigard,Oregon.In 2129,Harkins Mount Sagamore home opened to the public.In 2130,the Harkin Memorial opened in Hillsboro,Oregon.In 2134,the Harkin Monument opened in Salem,Oregon.In 2136,the Harkin Center was founded in Downtown Salem.In 2138,the Harkin Dam was completed in downtown Tigard.In 2144,Harkin National Park was established in downtown Portland.To this day,Andrew Harkin is remembered as one of the most popular presidents in American history.

What has the author James G Harkin written?

James G. Harkin has written: 'Microprocessor based speaker-dependent isolated-word speech recognition'

What does the Andrew Harkin July presidential line look like?

July 2,2037- Medgar Hevers assassination July 4,2037- wine becomes illegal in Ospen July 12,2037- the Harveta sinks off the Pacific Ocean July 18,2037- eruption of Mount Morrisa July 31,2037- Harkin delivers his independence speech

What does the Andrew Harkin presidential biography look like?

Andrew Harkin was born on August 14,2001,in Portland,Oregon.He was the son of Patrick and Micah Harkin.In 2005,Harkin was elected governor of Oregon.In 2009,he won re-election as governor.In 2010,Harkins sister Gwenyth was born.On March 26,2010,he resigned as governor.In 2012,Harkin became a representative.In 2014,he became a senator.In 2017,Harkin became a state senator.In 2018,he was appointed attorney general.In 2019,Harkin was elected mayor of Beaverton,Oregon.In 2022,he was elected lieutenant governor of Oregon.In 2023,Harkin was appointed secretary of the navy.In 2025,he was appointed secretary of state.In 2029,Harkin was appointed secretary of defense.In 2030,he was appointed secretary of the treasury.Later that year,Harkin was appointed secretary of the army.In 2031,he was appointed secretary of the interior.In 2032,senator Ralphe Lewis chose Harkin as his running mate.the Lewis-Harkin team won the election.On January 20,2033,Harkin was sworn in as vice president of the United States.In 2035,he announced his candidacy for the presidency.In 2036,he won the Democratic nomination to run for president.Senator Lyndon Bart was chosen as his running mate.On November 2,2036,he won the election defeating Republican senator Johnny Twash.On January 20,2037,Harkin was sworn in as president of the United States.Later that year,he was wounded in an assassination attempt.A week later,he finally recovered from his wounds.In 2038,Harkin delivered his House annual message.In 2039,he announced his bid for re-election.In 2040,the Democrats chose him to run for president again.On November 9,2040,Harkin won re-election defeating North Carolina governor Joe Edwards.A month later,he delivered his state of the union address.On January 20,2041,Harkin was sworn in as president for the second time.After the firebombing of the Page school bus,Harkin gave a speech about the terrible tragedy.In 2043,Harkin delivered his no third term speech.In 2044,his secretary of state James Naker was elected president.That year,Harkin delivered his Senate annual message.On January 15,2045,he delivered his farewell address.It was to be his last speech.Five days later,Harkin retired to his home in Beaverton,Oregon.In 2047,he was appointed Chief Justice of the United States.In 2050,Harkin quit his job as chief justice.That summer,he was appointed director of the CIA.In 2053,Harkin was appointed ambassador to the United Nations.In 2054,he was appointed secretary of agriculture.In 2055,Harkin was appointed assistant secretary of the navy.In 2056,he was appointed secretary of commerce.In 2059,Harkin was appointed secretary of labor.In 2061,he was appointed secretary of health and human services.In 2064,Harkin was appointed secretary of housing and urban devolpment.In 2066,he was appointed secretary of transportation.In 2067,Harkin was appointed secretary of energy.In 2068,he was appointed assistant secretary of the army.In 2069,Harkin was appointed secretary of education.In 2070,he was appointed secretary of veteran affairs.In 2072,Harkin was appointed secretary of homeland security.It was to be his last job in politics.In 2076,Harkin retired from politics.In 2079,he established the Andrew Harkin Global Foundation.In 2081,Harkin was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.In 2089,he was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease.In 2099,he faced tragedy when his brother Ethan died.Andrew Harkin died on November 7,21001,after suffering from complications of the disease.In 21009,the Andrew Harkin Presidential Library opened in downtown Beaverton.In 2110,Harkins sister Gwenyth died.That year,the Andrew Harkin National Airport opened in Portland,Oregon.In 2117,president Sarah McDisney made Harkin Day as a national holiday.In 2120,HarkinWorld opened in downtown Portland.In 2125,HarkinLand opened in Lake Oswego,Oregon.In 2129,Harkins Mount Sagamore home opened to the public.In 2130,the Harkin Memorial opened in Hillsboro,Oregon.In 2134,the Harkin Monument opened in Salem,Oregon.In 2136,the Harkin Center opened in Tigard,Oregon.In 2144,Harkin National Park was established.To this day,Harkin is remembered as one of the most popular presidents in American History.

What part of speech is the word cabinet?

Cabinet is a noun (whether it be a wooden cabinet in the kitchen or the President's cabinet)

What does the Andrew Harkin December presidential line look like?

January 20,2037- Harkins inauguration January 21,2037- Lyndon Bart is appointed vice president January 22,2037- death of John Ratzen Harvey January 23,2037- Daniel Lincoln is appointed secretary of state January 24,2037- Tornado Marshif hits Samacia,Ospen January 25,2037- Sandra Rivera is appointed to the Supreme Court January 26,2037- Al Lewin is appointed secretary of war January 27,2037- Jacqueline Gomeza publishes The Days Of Independence January 28,2037- An ecnomic depression hits Ospen January 29,2037- death of Frank Washington January 30,2037- an atomic bomb is dropped on Kimica,Osbonene January 31,2037- a railroad crisis hits Osbonene

Which president memorized entire inaugarial speech?

president Andrew Jacksonpresident Andrew Jackson

What president memorized his entire speech?

Andrew Jackson

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How do you use the word cabinet minister in a sentence?

The new cabinet minister gave a speech about the new agricultural policies. All except one cabinet minister attended the 9a.m. meeting. I would like to introduce you to the new cabinet minister, but I've forgotten his name.

What does the Andrew Harkin end of the war in Ospen speech look like?

Good evening my fellow citizens.On October 23,2043,the war in Ospen ended.Now that the war is finally over,the Ospen Government must spend about 100 billion dollars to rebuild that country.I am so honored to hear that the Ospen War is over by now.Thank you all and may God bless the United States of America.