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Tyranny, or monarchy, or autocracy.

The variations are based on how the person obtained supreme power. A monarch inherits power from his father. An autarch is selected, but then rules without restriction. A tyrant seizes power for himself.

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This would not be a government, but a Dictatorship. This is where a single person controls a whole country/nation.

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Q: What does the type of government in which one person holds supreme power?
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The type of government in which one person hold supreme power?

This would not be a government, but a Dictatorship. This is where a single person controls a whole country/nation.

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A form of government in which a single person holds unlimited political power.

The type of gorverment in which one person holds supreme power?

That would be either an absolute monarchy or a dictatorship.

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The type of government in which one person hods supreme power?

Vice PresidentDictatorship. Autocracy.

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