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Socioeconomic factors such as gender, race, age and income play a large part in voting behavior. For instance, Blacks are more Democratic leaning than Whites. Blacks also tend to have low voter turnouts and thus their representation is much lower than would be expected based on their Demographics. It is more difficult for black or Latino candidates to win in predominantly white districts. There are even some studies that claim based on having â??more Caucasian looking featuresâ??, some minorities stand a better chance of attracting white voters.

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Q: What effect does race have on voter behavior in elections?
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What was the goal of the freedom writers?

Freedom riders were people who went South to break up segregation in public transportation, voter registration and segregated education. Today people of any race can vote and education is no longer segregated.

What is the connection between the huge bailout in the US and the upcoming elections for a new US president?

Actually there is no correlation between the bailout plans and the US elections. The plans were initiated by president George Bush to help the economy to recover from the crisis. Though he wasnt in the race for the president post, he initiated it and hence there is no basic connection between the two.

What were the platforms of the 1892-1900 presidential elections Who were the populist?

William McKinley and William J. Bryan ran in both the 1896 race and the 1900 race. McKinley was a Republican and ran on a conservative platform. He attracted supporters that were in the upper crust. Bryan was the Democratic and Populist candidate; he represented the working man and advocated crusade against the rich.

What amendment was passed after the civil war that dealt with voting requirements?

The 15th Amendment stated that all men of voting age could vote regardless of race. It allowed white and black men to vote. The amendment enlarged the voter pool and caused the parties to acknowledge a new voting group.

What did the fifteenth amendment of the constitution provide?

The 15th amendment give African American the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. It also gave every eligible voter that right.

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Which act ensured federal protection from voter discrimination based on race?

Voting Rights Act

Why might voter turnout be higher for presidential elections?

There are a number of reasons:The more powerful the office, the more interest in it. President is the most powerful office in the United StatesLikewise, the race for president is also the most well-funded so candidates have a lot more resources to encourage people to vote.Presidential elections cut across state lines and are of interest to the entire country.Anyone else have other reasons?Yes. To the extent that the Obama-style "dream" has turned into such a nightmare, voter turnout may be driven by the urgency of voting out of office those that push for the further growith of government and the diminishment of individual liberty.

Are mixed race good in bed?

Race has no effect on how good you are.

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their all black

How are members of the party-in-the-electorate are selected?

Members of the party-in-the-electorate are self-selected -- selected by themselves. Anyone can register as a voter with a particular political party; it is a personal choice. Party leaders do not select their supporters, nor are they selected by class or race/ethnicity. A voter may feel that one party is more deserving of support by virtue of the way the party's policies impact a certain social class or race/ethnicity, but it is up to the voter to decide whether or not to join.

How are the members of the party-in-the-electorate selected?

Members of the party-in-the-electorate are self-selected -- selected by themselves. Anyone can register as a voter with a particular political party; it is a personal choice. Party leaders do not select their supporters, nor are they selected by class or race/ethnicity. A voter may feel that one party is more deserving of support by virtue of the way the party's policies impact a certain social class or race/ethnicity, but it is up to the voter to decide whether or not to join.

Why does race have an effect in sport?

It doesn't.

What is a correct statement regarding Lyndon Johnson the presidential elections of 1968?

Johnson withdrew from the race -PLATO

Which is a correct statement regarding lydon Johnson and the presidential elections of 1968?

Johnson withdrew from the race -PLATO

Does race have a role in criminal behavior?

No. The only constant to criminal behavior is choice.

How are members of the party in the electorate selected?

Members of the party-in-the-electorate are self-selected -- selected by themselves. Anyone can register as a voter with a particular political party; it is a personal choice. Party leaders do not select their supporters, nor are they selected by class or race/ethnicity. A voter may feel that one party is more deserving of support by virtue of the way the party's policies impact a certain social class or race/ethnicity, but it is up to the voter to decide whether or not to join.