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American Revolutionary War

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Q: What event did the signing of the declaration of independence trigger?
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What event occurred on July 4 1776?

signing of the declaration of independence

What event took place two days before the signing of the declaration of independence?

the united states voted for independence

What important event took place two days before the signing of the Declaration of Independence?

the united states voted for independence

What is an important historical event?

There are many historical events, but the one that stands out the most is the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

How do you use historical in a sentince?

The signing of the Declaration of Independence is a historical event. Some books have historical significance.

What is a historal example?

One historical example is the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, which marked the 13 American colonies' formal declaration of independence from British rule. This event led to the Revolutionary War and ultimately the founding of the United States of America.

What historical event took place the same time period in which George Washington lived?

the declaration of Independence. He was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence.

Can you give an example of an event that violated Declaration of Independence?

um...the taxes i think

Which event directly inspired the drafting of the Declaration of Independence?

The drafting of Common Sense

Biggest event that happened in 1776?

For Americans, the biggest and most significant event of 1776 was the Declaration of Independence. The American colonies wanted independence from Great Britain. The signers of the Declaration were taking the risk of being hanged for treason.

Where is the Declaration of Independence held at?

It was argued by members of the Xecond Continental Congress in the Pennsylvania Statehouse, later re-named Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, Pennsylcania.

What major event occurred in the year 1776?

uhhh the Declaration of Independence on July 4th