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In the American Revolutionary War, numerous factors helped the American patriots win. One such factor was the persistence and resilience, not to overlook the courage, of the American leaders and troops and citizens in favor of independence. Another such factor was the critical assistance provided by France and Spain. Still one more factor was the war-weariness of the British: with such dogged resistance as was shown by the colonists, the British were unable to sustain the fight.

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A few of the factors leading to victory for the colonies was the fact that Britain was fighting in Ireland as well as in Americas, the colonials were proficient in guerrilla warfare, and (arguably the largest factor) the massive support from France who provided troops, naval support, and money as well as renowned military tacticians.

War requires 4 items:, money, logistics of food and weapons, a well trained and equiped miltary (along with a populace willing to support them, since it takes 70 taxpayers to provide for 1 soldier) and the will to renounce hedonism and embrace the necessary austerity, suffering, endurance and perseverancenecessary for both the military and supporting civilians. Without this"will" it is difficult to achieve victory.

The Colonist obtained money from france and the Dutch merchants who were disproportionately Jewish, and the French nobility, but the British East India Company probably gave more to Parliament

The weopon used was a rifled musket as compared to the smooth bore Brown Bess, which gave the infantry an advantage. However the British had more Bayonettes, so the advantage might have been British. rember Cornwalllis had hundreds of miles of victories and conquest from South caolina to Yorktown.

The British army had been developed and disciplined through centuries of conflict with Europe. The British navy was superior to all.

It must have been "the will" of the revolutionaries

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Efficient leadership by George Washington, the guerrilla war tactics followed by the Americans, the many major blunders made by the Britishers were some factors that helped America to win the war. America was also helped by Spain, France and Netherlands during the war.

What did the patriots win the Revolutionary War?

well, patriots won there freedom of right from the England contrey well, patriots won there freedom of right from the England contrey