Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico.
They meet at a place called the Four Corners.
There is a spot in the South-West part of the US where 4 corners of 4 states meet. It's Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico.
the battle of marathon, where a runner took the news of the Athenian victory back to Athens. After running for miles, he entered the city square, screamed "Nike" and then collapsed dead on the spot.
An "Achilles heel" is a person with a weak spot.
8-9-11>>> This is a American Eagle Gold Bullion coin. a Five dollar denomination coin is One Tenth-Ounce (1/10) of pure gold. The value is tied to the spot price of gold at time of sale. Right now it's $1,738.30 per ounce. Current value of this coin is $173.83. This price is a little less than you could buy it for and a little more than you could sell it for. But it gives you an idea of value. NOTE: The spot price of gold and other precious metals changes by the minute when the market is open. So the value of this coin will go up and down.
big itchy spot patches on your face
Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico come together at a spot aptly named The Four Corners.
Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The Plexus
At the Five Spot was created on 1961-07-16.
The Plexus
The five Hot Spots on Earth are Hawaii, Yellowstone in the United States, Iceland, Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, and Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. These areas are characterized by volcanic activity and unique geological features.
you go to solocean town and go in the cave where there are the unknow's. You stand in one spot for five minutes an a mew will come.
On View at the Five Spot Cafe was created on 1959-08-25.
Four bones come together but, because of their rounded corners, they don't quite meet.
George Russell Sextet at the Five Spot was created on 1960-09-20.
The cast of Five Spot Jewel - 1992 includes: Julie Bowen
Hawaii is the rainiest spot in the United States of America.