Amerindians eat: corn,sweet pataoes,hot pepper and they basically they eat plant.
how can i get a grant if i didnt sign up for the selective service
He didnt have a job. He was in collage. He didnt have a job. He was in collage.
the didnt want the convention to create a more executive government
They didnt
so they didnt have to see what they were eating since it was usually stewed leather boots or ants or something.
No they didnt.
pepper pot, wild meat and cassava bread
some amerindian foods are:casiri,piwari,tasso,pepperpot,cassareep and cassavabread.
pepper pot, cassava bread, drinks.....
outline three ways in which the ameridians obtain their foods
WHAT THE ROMANS ATE AND WHAT THEY DIDNT EAT The Romans probaly ate alot of poridge they didnt have money back then to eat the foods we eat this century.For example they probaly didnt eat fried chicken with french fries or steak.That is what I think the Romans ate and that is what they didnt ---- There is a roman cookbook which has been translated called the "Apicius de re coquinaria" by Marcus Gavius, written in the 4th or 5th centuary.(Public domain). If you follow the link provided below you can read it for yourself. You'll find they ate all of the things we eat today (Hamburgers excepted) and quite a lot we don't.
Foods to eat are natural foods. Foods not to eat are junk food and less healthier foods.
weird enough to eat jelly fish and dogs and animals or other foods that nobody usually eats. ( i didnt know what to say)
what kind of foods did the chummash eat
There are five syllables in the word "Amerindian."
of course you can eat local foods.
i can eat healthy foods because i am a vegetarian and i can't eat junk foods