The Republic of China - otherwise known as Taiwan - is a unitary state where the central government handles all government matters (as opposed to a federal state, such as the US, where there are smaller regional or state governments). It is a republic, and it is a semi-presidential state, having both a president and a prime minister.
This is not to be confused with the Peoples' Republic of China.
China is a socialist republic, a single-party state.
Certainly. A republic can become am empire and an empire can become a republic, or several republics. Any form of government can be changed into any other form of government.
by elected representatives
The form of government the framers of the Constitution agreed to create republic
A capitalist dictatorship.
peoples republic of china
It is a Communist government that has recently embraced a form of capitalism.
Provisional Government of the Republic of China was created in 1937.
Provisional Government of the Republic of China ended in 1940.
Reformed Government of the Republic of China ended in 1940.
Reformed Government of the Republic of China was created in 1938.
republic of China
China is a socialist republic, a single-party state.