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political Cartoons

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Ming Chen

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Ozella Dooley

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political Cartoons

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Hunter Quitzon

Lvl 13
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political Cartoons

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Bryana Mitchell

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political Cartoons

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4y ago

Political cartoons

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Faith Hoch

Lvl 1
1y ago
The answer is : (political Cartoons) I just took the quiz and it was correct.
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Related questions

What form of media did nativists use to turn to public against newer immigrants?

political Cartoons

How did anti-catholicism contribute to the creation of the know nothing party?

Many nativists did not trust Catholic immigrants. The Know-Nothing Party tried to keep Catholics and immigrants out of public office.

How did anti-catholicism contribute to the creation of the know-nothing party?

Many nativists did not trust Catholic immigrants. The Know-Nothing Party tried to keep Catholics and immigrants out of public office.

How did public opinion of labor issues change in response to the violence of the Homestead Strike?

Public opinion turned against all labor unions

What was true about the government reaction to the bonus army?

it changed public opinion against President Hoover

What was one argument against immirgration?

Immigrants used public services but didn't pay taxes

How did the Nativists feel about immigrants?

In scholarly studies "nativism" is a standard technical term. However, in public political discourse "nativist" is a term of opprobrium usually used by the opposition, and rarely by nativists themselves (they call themselves "patriots."). Anti-immigration is a more neutral term that may be used to characterize opponents of Immigration.Other words: They were completely and totally against it.

What was responsible for turning America public opinion against Germany?

The event that was most influential in turning American public opinion against Germany was the invasion of Belgium.

How did public opinion of labor issues change the response to the violence of the homestead strike?

Public opinion turned against all labor unions

How did public opinion of labor issue change in response to the violence of the homestead strike?

Public opinion turned against all labor unions

What form of media did Nativity's use to turn public against newer immigrants?

by using political Cartoons

What was one argument immigrant against immigration?

Immigrants used public services but didn't pay taxes.