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Q: What freedom are you exercising if you write a complaint to the government?
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Freedom to petition the government to correct grievances?

The freedom to petition the government is the freedom of the press. You can write and say what you want.

Why are the rights and freedom protected by the first amendment necessary for a democracy to function properly?

I am truly surprised you ask this question. Without the freedom of speech and press the government can not be stopped when it oversteppes its duty to the people. When the government does illegal things a viable press is needed. Watergate is the perfect example of the press uncovering what Nixon did. Protest is also a part of the freedom of speech and the ability to write, film, expose, and even sing about the government. When this is stifled the democracy can not function and it becomes a authoritarian government instead. Be careful of the government or president who tries to limit the freedom of speech.

What are examples of freedom of speech?

Freedom of the press is the freedom of communicating, publishing and expressing ideas or thoughts through any form of media whether it be electronically or in paper. Examples : Any form of magazine, newspaper, even blog. "Intouch Magazine" "Seventeen Magazine" "Tumblr" "New York Post"

Why is freedom of speech and press important in a democratic society?

You can say whatever you want and always pleed the first because you have the right to speek your ideas and write your ideas down not everyone will agree and sometimes it is dangerous but not illegal and you can not face persucution by government or others.

Why is the freedom of speech worth fighting for?

becuz it states to write whatever you believe has flaws in government. Example: if bush had an unfair law which he didn't Ny times could publish it because of the freedom of speech. The trail of John Peter zenger began this.

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What freedom are you exercising if you write complaint to the government?


What freedom are you you exercising if you write a complaint to the government?


Freedom to petition the government to correct grievances?

The freedom to petition the government is the freedom of the press. You can write and say what you want.

What keeps the government from controlling the press?

The Bill of Rights First Amendment is freedom of speech and press. This means the government doesn't have the right to control the press or what we say, write, or protest about. When a government works at controlling freedom of speech or press it is a authoritarian government of a dictator.

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What essays can you write for PE?

You can write about health or exercising.

How do you write the word complaint in Korean?

불평 (bulpyeong) is the Korean equivalent of 'complaint'.

How do you write a complaint letter about an employee?

When you write your complaint letter you should advise management of the problem. You can also include how you would want to problem resolved.

How you handle a complaint on a plane?

take the cabin crew's name and number. write to the airline complaint unit

How to write a complaint on a company that writes a bad check?

If you want to write a complaint on a company that gave you a bad check, stick to the facts and provide as many details as possible.

How do you write a letter of complaint to game maker?

The site,, has a "Contact Us" link. Write your hate mail / complaint mail / "HELP ME I LOST CODE" mail there.

What should you write on your letter of complaint about water pollution?

You should write many things on a letter of complaint about water pollution. You should back your letter up with facts and statistics.