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The Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution allows the residents of the District of Columbia to have an equal number of votes with least populous state. Wyoming has the smallest population and three electoral votes. Therefore, the residents of Washington, D.C. are also receive three electoral votes.

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Q: What gives Washington D.C. an electoral vote and allows the people of Washington D.C. to vote for president and vice president?
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What group of people are officially responsible for electing a president?

The electoral college is the group of people who officially elect the US president.

Who are the group of people that cast official votes to elect the president called?

This group is called the electoral college; its members are called electors and the votes it casts are called electoral votes.

Who elects the president after the people have voted?

The people vote for the Electors who in turn vote for the President. The group is called the Electoral College

What is the body of electors that represent the peoples vote in choosing the president?

The people (read: noncriminal citizens above the age of 18) of that country. The people of the United States elect the President by Popular Vote, but the Electoral College is the body that officially elects the President into office. (There have been 4 Presidents elected into office by the Electoral College that lost the popular vote, which means that the majority of people didn't vote for that president.

What margin is required to choose the president in the house?

If no candidate for the presidency wins a simple majority (51%) of the total number of electoral votes, then the House of Representatives have the power to choose the President of the US. Each state gets one vote. The margin required to choose the president in the House is a majority of those voting. The only time this happened, in 1824, the representatives of some of the states could not agree on how to vote and so those states did not vote.

Related questions

What margin is required to for the house to choose the president?

the people running for president must have a tie in electoral votes. the people running for president must have a tie in electoral votes. the people running for president must have a tie in electoral votes.

What margin is required to choose the president for the house of representatives?

the people running for president must have a tie in electoral votes. the people running for president must have a tie in electoral votes. the people running for president must have a tie in electoral votes.

What group of people are officially responsible for electing a president?

The electoral college is the group of people who officially elect the US president.

Who do people vote for in the electoral college system?

President vice president

What is America's voting system based on?

The American voting system is based on the United States Electoral College. This is the institution that allows people to choose a President and a Vice President every four years.

What people can vote for president and vice president?

US citizens who are registered to vote elect delegates to the Electoral College, and the Electoral College elects the president and VP.

What body of people elect the president?

electoral college

Why are the people the one who elects the president officially?

The people do not elect the President. When you vote for president, you are really voting for members of the electoral college. The electoral college will then choose the president. There are only 538 votes that count in a presidential election.

How do people get elected president us?

The President and the VP are elected by the Electoral College.

What is a group of people who help to select the president and the vice president?

The Electoral College

What is the name of the group of people thatchoose the vice president and president?

electoral college

Who allowed George Washington to be the 1st president?

The American public, through the Electoral College, allowed George Washington to be the first president. Washington was unanimously elected by the electors in 1788 and 1792, demonstrating his widespread support and popularity among the people of the newly formed United States.