Many of them went to Serbia or Western Europe, Croatia has deported them also.
Republika Srpska dinar was created in 1992.
Republika Srpska dinar ended in 1998.
Republika Srpska was created on 1992-01-09.
The area of Republika Srpska is 24,857 square kilometers.
First League of the Republika Srpska was created in 1995.
Republika Srpska Air Force was created in 1992.
Republika Srpska Air Force ended in 2006.
The population density of Republika Srpska is 57.9 people per square kilometer.
Serbian Radical Party of the Republika Srpska was created in 1992.
There are many places where one might find information regarding the Republika Srpska. One could check sites such as Wikipedia for the history of the Republika Srpska.
Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republika Srpska was created in 1992-08.
Stevo Mirjanic is the Minister of Agriculture for Bosnia and Herzegovina's Republika Srpska Government.