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The Battle of Germantown was fought between the United States and Great Britain during the American Revolutionary War. It took place on October 4, 1777, and the result was a British victory.

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Q: What happened at the battle of germantown?
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When did Battle of Germantown happen?

Battle of Germantown happened on 1777-10-04.

Who won the battle in germantown in 1777?

The battle of Germantown was a British victory.

Where did the battle of Germantown take place?


Who won the battle of Germantown?

the British =(

How was John Laurens wounded in the Battle of Germantown?

John Laurens was an American solider during the Revolution. He was injured in the Battle of Germantown by a shooting.

Battle of Germantown what was the end result?

The British one

Why was the battle of germantown so important?

the importance of the battle of Germantown was that the French saw what a brave fight that the Americans put together, this lead the French to becoming alliences with the Americans

What were some significant battles of the Revolutionary War?

* Battle of Bunker Hill * Valley Forge * Siege of Boston * Battle of Monmouth * Battle of Saratoga * Battle of Trenton * Battle of Brandywine * Battle of Germantown * Battle of Camden * Siege of Charleston* Battle of Bunker Hill * Valley Forge * Siege of Boston * Battle of Monmouth * Battle of Saratoga * Battle of Trenton * Battle of Brandywine * Battle of Germantown * Battle of Camden * Siege of Charleston* Battle of Bunker Hill * Valley Forge * Siege of Boston * Battle of Monmouth * Battle of Saratoga * Battle of Trenton * Battle of Brandywine * Battle of Germantown * Battle of Camden * Siege of Charleston* Battle of Bunker Hill * Valley Forge * Siege of Boston * Battle of Monmouth * Battle of Saratoga * Battle of Trenton * Battle of Brandywine * Battle of Germantown * Battle of Camden * Siege of Charleston* Battle of Bunker Hill * Valley Forge * Siege of Boston * Battle of Monmouth * Battle of Saratoga * Battle of Trenton * Battle of Brandywine * Battle of Germantown * Battle of Camden * Siege of Charleston* Battle of Bunker Hill * Valley Forge * Siege of Boston * Battle of Monmouth * Battle of Saratoga * Battle of Trenton * Battle of Brandywine * Battle of Germantown * Battle of Camden * Siege of Charleston

Who were the leaders of battle of germantown?

i dont know and dont kare...

How many were injured in the battle of Germantown?

The Battle of Germantown, PA took place on October 4, 1777 and resulted in a British victory. About 1,000 people on both sides were injured with about 200 deaths.

Who are the generals in the battle of Germantown?

George Washington and Sir William Howe

What year was the Battle of Germantown take place?

October 4, 1777