The French Revolution happened in 1789.
The French Revolution began. 1789 The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was signed. 1789
The 11th Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed by Congress on March 4, 1794, and was ratified on February 7, 1795. At this time, George Washington was president. He took office on April 30, 1789 and left office on March 4, 1797.
Vermont was not the home state of any major-party U.S. presidential nominee. However, Chester A. Arthur, who became President when Pres. Garfield died, and Calvin Coolidge, who became President when Pres. Harding died, were both born in Vermont. Vice President Coolidge was in Vermont visiting his father when he got the call that Pres. Harding had died and that he was the President.
South Carolina - Friday, May 23, 1788
He died February 12, 1789 at his home in Burlington, Vermont.
The second event to occur was the first meeting of the U.S. Congress on March 4, 1789. May 25, 1787 - the Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia; March 4, 1789 - the first meeting of the U.S. Congress; February 18, 1791 - Vermont became the 14th state in the Union; December 15, 1791 - the Bill of Rights was ratified
Banged your mom
february 12, 1789
The third event to occur was Vermont joins the Union. May 25, 1787 - the Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia; March 4, 1789 - the first meeting of the U.S. Congress; February 18, 1791 - Vermont became the 14th state in the Union; December 15, 1791 - the Bill of Rights was ratified
The French Revolution happened in 1789.
Nootka Crisis happened in 1789.
Reveillon riot happened in 1789.
Order of Aviz happened in 1789.
Theater War happened in 1789.
Inconfidência Mineira happened in 1789.
The Storming of the Bastille.