23 May 1847 witnessed the outbreak of fighting between Spain and the United States for control of territories north of the Rio Grande. Namely; what is present day day Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and much of California.
The Whitman massacre happened on November 29th, 1847, in Seattle
On May 23rd, the following things happened: 1555 - Giampietro Caraffa elected Pope Paul IV 1867 - Jesse James gang robs bank in Richmond, Missouri 1884 - 12th Preakness: S Fisher aboard Knight of Ellerslie wins
The current Speaker of the House is the Hon. Dr. Kendal Major who took office on the 23rd of May 2012.
1847 my good friend!
December 22, 1847
Alexander Graham Bell was Born on 1847 and died on 1922.
What happened in Fordham, New York in 1847. Poe's wife, Virginia Clemm, died due to sickness.
What happened in Fordham, New York in 1847. Poe's wife, Virginia Clemm, died due to sickness.
Queen Victoria was born on May 24th 1819, so from January 1st to May 23rd she was 27 years old, from 24th May onwards she was 28 years old.
i was born? ^_^ haha lots of things happened
23rd May 1963 was a Thursday.
23rd May 1981, was a Saturday.
Blockade of Veracruz happened in 1847.
Grand Match happened in 1847.
Thomas Edison was born but what was
May 23rd, 1980 fell on a Friday.