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They were spies.

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Q: What happened to Nathan hale and major john Andre during the American revolution?
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It was the pre-Civil War era, after the American Revolution.

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George Washington became the commander in chief of the Patriot forces. With the help of the French, Washington trapped the British at Yorktown and won the war.

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Did the American Revolution influence another revolution?

Of course. However, some scholars suggest that the French Revolution would have happened regardless, but most revolutions against monarchies during the 18th and 19th century have some roots in the American Revolution.

What important events happened during Jose Rizal's time?

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What happened to Benjamin Franklin during the American revolution?

He was in his 70's and in France getting help and money. He was very popular there.

What happened when the British plan to send three armies to meet in the Albany area during the American Revolution?

they killed everyone