British soldiers were attacked by protesters at a shrine; the British soldiers ordered the group to disperse, were attacked, and responded by opening fire. Several were courtmartialed.
The rash of strikes during 1919 were mainly due to the aftermath of World War I, and problems with labor and union power struggles. The Great Steel Strike was the most widely-spread strike. Other strikes in 1919 were the Seattle General Strike, Barcelona Revolutionary Strike, Dutch Steel Workers Strike, and the General Steel Strike in France.
January 1919 (Theodore Roosevelt)
George Lefroy died in 1919.
What Happened to Jean was created in 1919.
Soloheadbeg happened in 1919.
In 1919, Roald Dahl was born in Llandaff, Cardiff, Wales.
World War one
Spartacist uprising happened in 1919.
13 april 1919
Khotin Uprising happened in 1919.
Sette Giugno happened in 1919.
Vilna offensive happened in 1919.
Act Zluky happened in 1919.
A general strike.
Amristar massaacre