There will be a brokered national convention. After the delegates vote as pledged, and no one gets the majority of delegates, then the delegates vote again, this time not necessarily as they pledged to, that is, not necessarily as the voters from their states wanted them to. They vote again and again until a decision is reached.
First, it is not a matter of correct amount but sufficient number of delegates whis is a simple majority or one half plus one of the total number of delegates. If no nominee wins a majority of the delegates by the end of the primary elections the nomination goes to the convention floor. In this process there are successive roll cals of the delecgates state by state until a majority is achieved by one candidate in one roll call.
Having no clear majority at the time of convention is alright. The race for delegates is for people to vote at the party's convention. The delegates, some of whom were voted for candidates who dropped out, can back whoever they think would be best. It can take several ballots at a convention for things to sort themselves out and for the party to decide on one candidate and their vice presidential candidate. In the past, there have been presidential candidates nominated who came to the convention with no expectation of becoming the nominee.
Each party gets to decide its own rules for choosing a nominee, but in general, at some point in the process, if no candidate received a majority of the votes, the convention delegates are released to vote for any of the candidates on the 2nd or 3rd or subsequent ballots. Combining that with eliminating one or more candidates who received the fewest votes, eventually one candidate will receive a majority.
There will be a brokered national convention. After the delegates vote as pledged, and no one gets the majority of delegates, then the delegates vote again, this time not necessarily as they pledged to, that is, not necessarily as the voters from their states wanted them to. They vote again and again until a decision is reached.
They: 1) Choose some or all of a State party organization's delegates to their party's national convention, and/or 2) Expressed a preference among various contenders for their party's Presidential nomination.
They: 1) Choose some or all of a State party organization's delegates to their party's national convention, and/or 2) Expressed a preference among various contenders for their party's Presidential nomination.
delegates vote to nominate a presidential candidate
The delegates place may be taken by an alternate who was elected in the same way and the same time.
In most states, the winner of a state presidential primary receives all of that state's votes in the first ballot of the national convention. I believe a few states split the ballots proportionately among the candidates.
The national convention is one of the most important responsibilities of the national committee. Held once every four years, the national convention is where party members nominate their candidates for president and vice president of the United States. In addition, the Party's National Platform is voted on and adopted at the Convention. The platform is supposed to reflect the values and priorities of the Party and Americans in general; and serves as a guide for the party's Presidential candidate as well as its candidates at every level of the ticket.
they become president, stupid. i don't if I'm a kid and I'm calling a adult stupid. Hello , "The presidential candidates in the United States are selected by a process of primary elections. The major political parties do not directly select the candidate, instead the voters are requesting delegates to represent their vote when they attend the national party convention." See link . =)
The national convention is one of the most important responsibilities of the national committee. Held once every four years, the national convention is where party members nominate their candidates for president and vice president of the United States. In addition, the Party's National Platform is voted on and adopted at the Convention. The platform is supposed to reflect the values and priorities of the Party and Americans in general; and serves as a guide for the party's Presidential candidate as well as its candidates at every level of the ticket.
it happens in a democracy
Well that is Tough because a convention is when something unusually happens.
The serious campaign starts.
they get fired. they get fired.