In the event of a vacancy in the presidency the vice president shall step in and perform the duties of the president. If the vice president is unable to hold this position then the next person in line would be the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The vice president is sworn in as president as soon as possible if the presidency becomes vacant.
If there is no vice president, the job passes to the Speaker of the House. If he is not elligible, the president pro tempore of the Senate is next, followed by the cabinet secretaries in the order that their positions were created.
filling a vacancy in the presidency
His pardon of Richard Nixon
The French Revolution occurred.
His pardon of Richard Nixon
Marbury vs. Madison
In the event of a vacancy in the presidency the vice president shall step in and perform the duties of the president. If the vice president is unable to hold this position then the next person in line would be the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
they call for a special election to fill the vacancy.
the governor of the state he/she represents calls for a special election to fill the vacancy.
filling a vacancy in the presidency
== == the govenor appoints someone the govenor appoints someone
Under which category does this Constitutional Amendment fall? procedure to fill a vacancy in the vice presidency
The vice-president becomes president if the presidency is vacated.
the defining event of his presidency was.... the war of 1812
structure of federal government
The first vacancy in the U. S. vice presidency occurred when Vice President Clinton died in 1812, during the presidency of James Madison.
When there is a vacancy in the Presidency, the Vice President is sworn in as President as soon as possible. When there is a vacancy in the Vice Presidency, the President appoints a new Vice President, who is sworn in immediately after Congress approves the appointment. Otherwise, the normal transition of the Presidency and Vice Presidency occurs at noon EST on January 20 of every fourth year including 2009.
Amendment 25, section 2, established a procedure for filling a vacancy in the vice-presidency.