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After voting for campaign financing reform, he did not accept funds from the government, so he does not have to disclose the source or disposition of his campaign funds.

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Q: What happens to the remaining money from Barack Obama's campaign?
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What are some historical events from the last 2 years?

One that's been happening these previous DAYS/WEEKS were; the election- OBAMAS PRESIDENT the terrorists in MUMBAI INDIA

What is Michelle obamas maiden name?


Which president inauguration cost the most?

well unfortunately the president who spent the most money would be an equal amount because they live in the white house where they mostly get a lot of stuff for freeIt depends on what you mean by "spent the most money". Also, note that the President doesn't spend the money - Congress is the one who appropriates the actual money.In terms of percentage of Gross Domestic Product, the government during FDR's administration spent by far the most money - firstly, as part of the New Deal and Great Depression era programs, then for fighting World War 2. Most likely, the Obama administration will be next, followed by the Regan administration, Johnson administration, and George W Bush administration.As an absolute number, remember that inflation makes it an unfair comparison (i.e. $1 in 2000 is hardly comparable to $1 in 1900). In inflation-adjusted dollars (e.g. $1 in 2000 = $0.05 in 1900), the likely biggest spenders would be:FDRObamaG.W. BushClintonG H W BushReganJohnsonWilsonAlmost exclusively, even after adjusting for inflation, every year since at least 1970 has shown an overall increase in the size of the federal budget.

Do you swear with the left hand or right hand?

Supposedly the right but if you notice on Obamas swearing in he used his left hand, thus making this topic questionable. ------------------------------------ Seriously? Have you never served on jury duty or watched an episode of Law & Order? A Few Good Men? Matlock? Ironside? Any other courtroom drama? The swearing of a witness starts with, "Raise your right hand and repeat after me." Customarily, the left hand (being slightly closer to your heart) is placed on the Bible in English-speaking countries; I'm not sure what they use in other places. You won't get very far trying to use the Oath of Office to cast aspersions on the legitimacy of any American president. Besides being officiated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, every modern inauguration has been televised and/or photographed ad infinitum, so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to Google an inauguration picture of each one, including Barrack Obama, with his right hand up and his left on a Bible. Just like Perry Mason . . . but in color.

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