I know you guys are from john dewey high school and your teacher is mr toussant lol
They white southerners kept African Americans from political power is by creating Black codes
Lineage groups were the chief means of social and political organization in African stateless societies.
Africans had a variety of political structures, including monarchies and kinship alliances.
Using fear and violence for political gain most directly affected African Americans.
President Grant helped to pass The Enforcements Act to prevent Southerners from using fear to shut African Americans out of the political process.
achieving racial equality for African Americans. ~c
Jim Crow laws and discrimination prevented African Americans from voting and having civil rights.
prevented the formation of a unified social class--poor farmers--by granting political privileges to whites only
African Political Organization was created in 1902.
African Political Systems was created in 1940.
Key differences among African countries include cultural diversity, levels of economic development, political stability, natural resources abundance, colonial history, and linguistic diversity. These differences contribute to the varying social, economic, and political landscapes across the continent.
African Political Systems has 302 pages.
Review of African Political Economy was created in 1974.
The division of the African continent was the most harmful political legacy of African imperialism.
African American
African Americans made a large impact in society as they pioneered new means for achieving equality. Their struggles and achievements have helped narrow the gap in society today.