Firmented Pokeweed berries, mostlikely fermented in a hollowed out pumpkin.
The internet was not used as a source for the US constitution.
my civics teacher is making us write a new constitution any ideas
No, back then they were still considered slaves.
the elastic clause
That quote was not used at all in the US Constitution even though it had been one of the earliest rallying cries leading to the American Revolution.
A pen is a tool with an ink core which is used to write with. Pens are usefuk to us because without them we would only be able to write in pencil and writing in ink looks smarter also, the modern pen is very sophisocated and comfortable to write with a pen is a piece of equipment that helps you wright with ink u would have to wright in pencil all the time
Continental Congress
The internet was not used as a source for the US constitution.
They let us write more permanently with ink. Pencil fades.
my mom
my civics teacher is making us write a new constitution any ideas
MANY more than 5 persons helped write the US Constitution.
The US Constitution is written in English. Some of the usage may seem antiquated, but it is clear English nonetheless.
The US Constitution.
The purpose of the Federalist Papers was to advocate for the ratification of the US Constitution. The Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787.
Timothy Matlack engrossed the Declaration of Independence. However, he did not pen the US Constitution. The actual ink was put on the page by Jacob Shallus. Gouverneur Morris is credited with much of the constitution's phraseology and is sometimes called the penman of the constitution.