30 W
The GCF of 30w and 75w is 15w.
The coordinates 75N and 30W correspond to the geographic location of Greenland. These coordinates indicate that the location is 75 degrees north of the equator and 30 degrees west of the Prime Meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England. Greenland is the world's largest island, located between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.
30w, 10-30w or 10-40w
The coordinates 70N 20E point to Finland, a country located in Northern Europe. Finland shares borders with Sweden, Norway, and Russia.
To find the net force, subtract the smaller force from the larger force. Net force = 70N - 45N = 25N. Therefore, the net force is 25 Newtons.
5w-30w 10w-30w in areas like Phoenix, AZ
I would not recommend it, stick with the straight 30W.
Use 30w synthetic or 10w30 synthetic. 30w is preferred.
A little after 1976