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The phrase ''carrot and the stick'' is used nowadays to characterize a foreign policy by which a nation is to be rewarded with a carrot or punished with a stick, depending on its future behavior.

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Q: What is Carrot and Stick Diplomacy?
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For dieters is a carrot stick a carrot or a stick?

It is a tiny chopped up piece of carrot made to look like a stick. It helps well on diets.

What was Roosevelts big stick diplomacy?

Roosevelt introduced the Big Stick Diplomacy during 1901. "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick."

What year was Roosevelt's big stick diplomacy?

Roosevelt introduced the Big Stick Diplomacy during 1901. "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick."

What is the carrot on the stick on minecraft?

the carrot on a stick is actually a carrot on a stick. It can be used to control the pigs to come to you, same a the normal carrot. You can use it to control which way your pig goes if you ride it in which you would need a saddle to get on it.

When was Carrot or Stick - House - created?

Carrot or Stick - House - was created on 2011-01-24.

What is the characteristics of the big stick diplomacy?

Characteristics of the Big Stick

Nickname for Roosevelt's aggressive diplomacy?

Theodore Roosevelt's aggressive diplomacy was referred to as "The Big Stick".

Is the carrot and stick theory a positive or negative means of motivating an employee?

Both. The carrot is a positive motivation, and the stick is a negative one.

Allows you to bite the carrot stick?

Yes, biting a carrot stick is a common way to eat it. It provides a satisfying crunch and releases the carrot's natural flavor. Just be sure to wash and peel the carrot first if needed.

If you stick a carrot in the dirt wll it grow?

Yes, a carrot is a root, and it can be used to grow a new carrot plant. You may have to water it.

What was President Roosevelts foreign policy?

big stick diplomacy