Johnny Light Tremain
no johnny tremain did not have a lump in his throat.
John Kennedy's middle name was Fitzgerald.
His middle name is Douglas.
An internet search did not find any US President with Milton as a middle name. President Nixon's middle name was Milhous.
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President, had no middle name.
no johnny tremain did not have a lump in his throat.
Johnny Tremains hand was treated by Doctor Warren who discovers that his thumb is just stuck to his palm because of scar tissue and Johnny's hand can easily be fixed with surgery. * Hoped i helped!
His middle name is Garvin.
His middle name is David. Johnny David Damon
Yes, Johnny Christ does have a middle name. His middle name is Lewis. His full name is Jonathan Lewis Steward. Johnny Christ is just his stage name.
the middlename for johnny campbells middle name is James johnyjames campdell
Johnny Knoxville is a stage name for Phillip John Clapp.
there tottally dating each other dont belive but its true i saw them at walmart kissing each other on black friday