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A moral embargo involves prohibiting of trades and commerce based on conflict with a country's morals. For example, a country may not trade because of what they deem "immoral happenings" in a country, such as the apartheid.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

I think you mean what. From what I know it is a embargo, or the prohibition of commerce/trade with Another Country, and it is based on moral grounds. So it is put in place because it it what a country thinks is the right thing to do.

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A trade embargo is a total ban on trade with a particular nation or of a particular product.Trade Embargoes are used to force political, economic, moral, or environmental decisions from a country, in the best interest of those who implemented the embargo.

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A trade embargo is a total ban on trade with a particular nation or of a particular product.Trade Embargoes are used to force political, economic, moral, or environmental decisions from a country, in the best interest of those who implemented the embargo.

What is the singular possessive of embargo?

The singular possessive form for the noun embargo is embargo's.

What is a sentence using the word embargo?

They enforced a trade embargo against the country.There has been a trade embargo against North Korea for years.An embargo is bad for businesses, unless you're a smuggler.

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Who supports embargo?

An embargo is organized for a particular reason. Those who agree with the reason, will support the embargo.

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What is an agreement among a group of nations that prohibits them all from trading with a target nation?

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What part of speech is embargo?

Embargo is a verb and a noun.