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Net gain from operations are statutory accounting principles. It is listed with the annual financial statements of an insurance company that is filed in the state it is licensed with the insurance commissioner. It is income filed under GAAP that is equal to the net income.

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Q: What is Net gain from operations?
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Can a growing difference between net income and cash flow from operations be because of manipulation by management?

Growing difference between net income and cash flow from operations is due to growing amount of non cash items in income statement like depreciation, amortizations, loss on disposal or gain on disposal of asset etc.

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The net gain of ATP at the end of glycolysis is 2 molecules of ATP.

If you earn 29000.00 what is the net?

The net gain, or net loss is equal to the amount you spend - the amount you earn. So, If you spend 18000.00, the net is 10000.00. The net gain, or net loss is equal to the amount you spend - the amount you earn. So, If you spend 18000.00, the net is 10000.00.

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No, Net profit is always from revenues from operating activities while net gain can be from any transaction for example from sale or disposal of old fixed asset etc.

What is the net gain of ATP for the cell during glycolysis?

During glycolysis, the net gain of ATP for the cell is 2 molecules of ATP.

What is the net gain of anaerobic respiration?

The net gain of anaerobic respiration is 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule. It also produces lactic acid in animals or ethanol in some microorganisms as byproducts.

Why is that net income does not equal cash provided by operations?

Net cash flow and net profit is not same due to inclusion of non cash items in net income that's why net income is adjusted for non cash items while preparing cash flow from operating activities.

Explain the difference between Profit Gain?

Profits are what you are in business to make. Gains are coincidental increases in net assets unrelated to the primary business operations. If you are a clothing store, you make profits off of selling clothes. When you sell an old piece of equipment for more than it's worth on your records, it is a gain.

How many ATP is gain during glycolisis?

the net gain is 2ATP molecules -9th grade textbook

What is the net gain in ATP from the two stages of this metabolic process?

Glycolysis yields a net gain of 2 ATP molecules and the Krebs cycle produces 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule. So, the net gain in ATP from these two stages of cellular respiration is 4 ATP molecules.

How would one gain health net insurance?

To gain health net insurance you would have to reduce some percent from your medical, so that the proportions would be equally, and so you can use your premium.

What is net gain of ATP molecules produced directly by glycolysis?