When first met Odysseus is staring out to see on Calypso's island dreaming of getting home to Ithaca.
at the himalayas
the year of the fist contential congress was the year of 1778
Gerald Ford became the first US President to visit Japan in November of 1974.
Georgia. They did not send a representative to meet in the first continental congress.
Martin Van Buren was the first President born an American citizen, that is, after independence was declared. John Tyler was the first born after the Constitution was ratified and the United States actually existed as a nation.
When Telemachus first meets Odysseus (disguised as a beggar), Telemachus does not recognize him and instead thinks he is just a poor traveler. Odysseus reveals his true identity later in the story.
she first meet him in prison.
Telemachus is Odysseus's son.
the name of odysseus's dog was Argos and we first meet him in Book 17
Odysseus met Calypso on her lush island of Ogygia.
I'm not aware that Odysseus and Midas ever met.
Odysseus meets Elepenor, a comrade of his, and Antikleia, his mother.
Yes. Odysseus is surprised to see her, as she was alive when he left.
In the cyclops cave
on the island of aeaea