American, according to Readers Digest collection "Candlelight Classics". In the accompanying notes he is described as "....the relatively obscure American songwriter...."
Thomas Alva Edison's nationality is American.
The country code and area code of Westendorf, Austria is 43, (0)5334.
The Nationality of Man United's Harry Thomas is Wales.
The famours Thomas Edison's nationality is American
Thomas Hobbes was English.
James J. Westendorf has written: 'Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah' -- subject(s): Bible, Commentaries 'Nahum/Habakkuk/Zephaniah (People's Bible Commentary)'
Scottish. He was Thomas Mitchell.
He is American, born in Flint Michigan.
She is an American of Lebanese descent and a Christian.
Thomas Edison is an all American.:) but he considers himself as a Dutch. For an unknown reason.