

Best Answer

- A person who agreess to do busssines with a group - A person who always says yes to group work

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Q: What is a Non example of boycott?
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was a non-importance agreement boycott effective with the Townshend acts

What is the definition of boycott?

A boycott is to refuse to buy items from a particular country, company or organization. A boycott is a group refusal to deal commercially with a certain organization (that organization might be a country). A boycott usually is a manifestation of a protest against the organization's policies. If you ask me for an example of a boycott, I might say "I am not going to tell you and I will encourage others not to tell you either." The word is derived from the name of an Irishman, Mr. Boycott.

Sentence with the word boycott?

An example of a boycott is one of the famous ones, the Montgomery Bus Boycott when Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus. Another example is the International Buy Nothing Day to try to stop the over-consumption of purchasing things.

Example of historical allusion?

an historical allusion can be boycott or a person or his or her saying that is used today as an example

Why did colonists form committees to enforce non-importation?

To ensure that colonists observed the boycott of British goods

How are boycott important?

Boycott refers to passive resistance to oppression. If a store is run by people you have a problem with, not supporting the store is called 'boycotting'. It is non-violent, legal and in large numbers is very effective.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word boycott?

Margaret did not like what she read in the newspapers about the actor's off-screen behaviour, so she made it a rule to boycott his movies, which she never saw.

What is a non example of altitude?

Green is a non example of altitude.

Why did colonist form committees to enforce non importations agreements?

To ensure that colonists observed the boycott of British goods

How do you say boycott in Hindi with example?

Boycott in Hindi is "बहिष्कार" (bahishkar). An example sentence could be: "लोग ने उस कंपनी के उत्पादों का बहिष्कार किया।" (People boycotted the products of that company.)

What is ella baker know for?

she was known for her arrest during the Montgomery bus boycott and her work in th sncc the student non-violent coordination committee she was known for her arrest during the Montgomery bus boycott and her work in th sncc the student non-violent coordination committee she was known for her arrest during the Montgomery bus boycott and her work in th sncc the student non-violent coordination committee

What is a non-example of linear?

It is possible to give an example of non-linear, but I have no idea what a non-example is. Is a non-example of linear a curve. That would be my first thought but not sure