A bawdy house is a historical term for a brothel or house of prostitution.
The lower house of Congress is called the House of Representatives. Although, the United States does not really use terms like that.
The lower house of Congress is the House of Representatives. The majority leader in this house is the Speaker of the House.
new house
The Speaker of the House. When the democrats were in the majority, Nancy Pelosi was Speaker. The House is currently under republican control and John Boehner occupies the Speakers chair.
It is actually called a Detached House.
A bawdy-house bottle is an obsolete term for a very small bottle.
Running a house of prostitution.
Bawdy. "She sang bawdy songs, such as 'A Lusty Young Smith,' to the enjoyment of all."
"The Balcony "- Jean Genet(1957)
Bawdy means vulgar or lewd, humorously coarse. Here are some sentences.I think that play is a little too bawdy for my mother to see.He told a bawdy joke.Her taste is very bawdy compared to mine.
The kids were sent to bed because of our bawdy jokes.
The Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones was created in 1976.
It was a very bawdy town, with trash scattered on the ground and dirty buildings
Brothel, bordello, bagnio, bawdy house, bordello, call house, den of iniquity, house of assignation, house of ill repute, house with red doors, massage parlor, red-light district, whorehouse, house of ill repute, house of prostitution, Congress.
A crooked basket
...tawdry, bawdy...
a sexual related humour, there are different categories which include for example explicit or miming. It is used in greek comedy theatre. An example could be: 'this is one long cucumber' or any sexual humor as such.