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Client groups are individuals and groups who work for the agencies of the government that work most closely with those agencies. For example: farmers work most closely with the Department of Agriculture, defense contractors such as Lockheed-Martin and Boeing work with the Department of Defense, pharmaceutical companies work with the FDA. These groups act as "special interests" and lobby Congress and the agency itself for more money for programs and services. The lobbyists working for these client groups write letters, attend meetings, testify at agency hearings, and keep track of legislation affecting their particular agency. Congressmen are often approached and pressured by these lobbyists and this leads to much of the "pork-barrel" spending in Washington.

Client groups are also part of what is referred to as the "iron triangle" in the government. Basically the "iron triangle" consists of Government Departments/Agencies (Client Groups), Congress, and Interest Groups. Each group cross-pressures the other groups for mutual benefit. The group is named iron as each of the members of the triangle has the ability to satisfy the other's needs. Many of the policies in the government developed as a result of this relationship. For example, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has several client groups (representing corporations). People working for that department want to keep their jobs and expand their services. Congressional committees work with those agencies and many of the client groups are based in those politician's home states. To satisfy the mandate of the people for a "safe America," the continued employment of people who work for the DHS, and the continued sales of equipment, supplies, and materials provided by those client groups' corporations, they must all work together.

The triangle is called "iron" because it is so difficult to influence the three parts of it from the outside. Members in the triangle move freely from one part of the triangle to the other. Former Congress members and their staff often become lobbyists after political life or they get appointed to government agencies (patronage).

Many critics point out that "iron triangles" allow special interests to unduly influence Washington and would like to see legislation passed to break up such triangles.
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