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Best Practice Initiative and The Able-Disabled Advocacy, Inc. hire and train economically disadvantaged young adults to fight increasing unemployment among young people.

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Q: What is a company who hires disadvantaged youth and trains them to repair computers?
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Related questions

How were trains scheduled before computers?

trains were scheduled with train movement charts

Is East Midlands Trains the Sister Company to South West Trains?

East Midlands Trains is a Sister Company to South West Trains.

Role of computers in trains?

Computers Tell the train driver any emergency like fires or passenger alarm button, also make sure everyones paid for their ticket, and that its valid. Also things like its distance from the trains in front and behind.

What do people use to get computers to the stores?

This is a vague question. If you mean in retail stores, then tractor-trailers are usually used to ship computers to the stores. If the computers are from overseas, they are often put on cargo containers and put on ships. Then the cargo containers often go onto trains. Then from trains, the cargo containers are pulled by tractor-trailers. If you mean pawn shops or repair shops, then the customers use whatever transportation they have. While most would use cars or pickups, some customers carry them, use hand trucks, use bicycles, etc.

How are computers used to control trains today?

Mostly (and most directly) by control of the signaling systems.

What country is Southwest Trains based in?

The public transportation company Southwest Trains is based in England. The company has more than 4.500 people employed, and Southwest trains arrive at more than 200 stations in South West England and South England.

What company produces outdoor christmas trains?

There are a few companies that manufacture outdoor Christmas trains for purchase. Some of these companies include Big Christmas Trains and Yard Inflatables.

Do you need flight attendant school before getting job or will company train?

The company trains.

Where does East Midlands Trains chiefly operate?

The company East Midlands Trains chiefly operates throughout the East Midland area of England. Trains travel through Derby, Nottingham, Leicester and through to London.

What type of products does the Lionel company sell?

The Lionel company is most famous as a producer and seller of model trains and model train sets. The vast majority of the companies sales come from the O Gauge Trains line.

Why do the company First Trains planned to stop operations on Mid-September of 2014?

The First Trains plans to stop operations on mid September of 2014 because they will not have a contract then.

What is the mass transit company that runs the buses and trains in Paris?

The RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) runs the buses and trains in Paris.