There are various nicknames that be used for the name 'Madison' such as:
James Madison
The Rebel. (Shays Rebellion)
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson wrote to James Madison his views on the necessity for occasional rebellion by the citizenry of a country.
James Madison is often referred to as the "Father of the Constitution." He not only wrote essays that helped convince the American colonists to ratify the constitution (The Federalist Papers) but he also did more than any other delegate at the Second Continental Congress to shape its final form.
JMU Madison JMad those are a few
i don't know about the lee part but Madison you can use maddie
James Madison
James Madison's nickname was Father of the Constitution, but he hated this nickname because he said that many other people took part in writing the Constitution, and not just him.
madison avenue
north side
father of Constitution
Father of the Consitution
James Madison.