I remember as a child 50 years aoo, several of us would attach different color ribbons to the top of a pole and we would walk around the pole holding a ribbon, wrapping the pole in many colors. Its done on May 1st, "May Day," to signify unity of working people. Its history can be found at http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/5202/mayday.htm
maypole school was built in 1678
The Maypole of Merry Mount was created in 1837.
Maypole Dairy Products was created in 1950.
Messing Maypole Mill was created in 1775.
Roy Maypole was born on February 26, 1914.
Roy Maypole died on July 4, 1976.
which people brough maypole to the caribbean
Winding the Maypole - 1898 was released on: USA: July 1898
Maypole Dance - 1900 was released on: USA: May 1900
Maypole Dance - 1903 was released on: USA: September 1903
The origins of the Maypole and its dance are thought to be from a German festival. The festival was for fertility and was pagan in origin.