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Run-off election - A second election conducted by the National Labor Relations Board in which no choice receives a majority of the ballots in the first poll. The run-off allows a selection between the choices receiving the largest and second largest number of votes cast in the original balloting.

where it is provided that a candidate must reach a bare minimum %,the top vote getters have a "run off" election

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Any election with a tie in the vote is a runoff.

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What happens if no candidate receives a majority of votes in the primary election?

Depending on the type of system, various outcomes occur. Some systems have the person with the most votes win regardless if it is not over 50% of the vote. Some systems go to a run-off election. Other systems go to a different type of election or judges to determine the result.

What is the result of the fact that candidates for congress do not need to win a majority of votes in order to win an election?

Imagine the following scenario: Three candidates, Joe Candidate, Johnny Rep and Bobby Congressman, are running for the same position. Joe and Johnny are as identical as any two people can be, but Bobby is the exact opposite. Therefore, voters who like Joe also like Johnny, voters who like Johnny also like Joe, voters who like Joe or Johnny dislike Bobby, and voters who like Bobby dislike Joe and Johnny. In the election, Bobby gets 36% of the votes, Joe gets 33% of the votes, and Johnny gets 31% of the votes. In the absence of a runoff election, like in the case of a congressional election, Bobby, who is liked by 36% of the voters and disliked by 64% of the voters, wins the election. If an absolute majority of votes (more than half) were required, Bobby and Joe would compete in a runoff election. Everyone who previously voted for Johnny would vote for Joe in the runoff, giving him the win with 64% of the votes.

What is writs of election?

A writ of election is a formal written document issued by a state Governor ordering an election to take place.

Why is continuity important from election to election?

Plans and programs are more stable when only some members of a board change at each election.

In which election did the Democrats come out in support of the repeal of Prohibition?

The 1932 election.

Related questions

What is runoff election?

Any election with a tie in the vote is a runoff.

An election held to resolve an earlier election in which there was no clear winner is called a what election?

a runoff election

An election held to resolve an earlier election in which there was no clear winner is called a election?


What is a purpose of a runoff primary?

The purpose of a runoff primary is that it is a second primary election between the two candidates who received the most votes in the first primary election to choose for the winner to becomes the party's candidate in the general election.

What is the purpose of a runoff primary?

The purpose of a runoff primary is that it is a second primary election between the two candidates who received the most votes in the first primary election to choose for the winner to becomes the party's candidate in the general election.

What was part of the election process for president France?

a runoff voting system

Use runoff in a sentence?

New construction allowed runoff from hillsides which flooded basements in nearby homes.Runoff naturally seeks a path of least resistance.Continual runoff can undermine hills, leading to mudslides and ground failures.

When was Colombia's president elected?

The presidential runoff election was held on June 20, 2010.

In eight states if a candidate does not receive a majority in the primary election .?

a runoff primary is held

In eight states if the candidate does not receive a majority in the primary election?

a runoff primary is held

. In eight states if a candidate does not receive a majority in the primary election?

a runoff primary is held

What are the Pros and cons of a runoff primary?

with runoff voting it costs extra money to to hold multiple elections, and the turnout for the final election may not be the same as the primary