General Motors recognized the United Automobile Workers Union.
The RCMP were sent to put down the uprising which was disrupting the operations of the city.
The Pullman Strike was a railroad labor strike that took place in 1894. The United States Attorney General tasked with handling the strike was Richard Olney.
During the Homestead Act of 1892 the state militia was sent to end the strike.
wat caused the Boston police strike?
Johnny Jupiter - 1953 Sit Down Strike 2-16 was released on: USA: 20 December 1953
The industry that congress staged a successful sit down strike of was the National Rife Association (NRA). This sit down occurred in 1936.
The likely word is the slang adjective "sitdown" (a social meeting, or meal) The hyphenated phrase "sit-down" is a work stoppage in place, as in "sit-down strike" or "sit-in."
The purpose is for the workers to get better working conditions and pay.
William Weinstone has written: 'The great sit down strike'
The automoblie industry
Flint, Michigan
It was the called the sit-down strike.
sit down strike
It wouldn't''ve happened with George W. Bush in office! Whoo Bush!
The United Automobile Workers (UAW).
Sit down strike