Checks and balances protect people from the abuses of power and excess government. Also, they protect the civil populous from and distortions that any excess power can bring.
Popular sovereignty also known as sovereignty of the people, is a system in which government powers are carefully spelled out to prevent government from becoming too powerful. Rule by the People is or representatives are the source of all political power.
It uses checks and balances. The Constitution gives each Branch the ability to override the other, thus making none more powerful than the other.
Checks and Balances, because t he systems of checks and balances prevent one person from quickly making decisions without the consent of other branches of government or the people.
Judicial Review is an important part of checks and balances it keeps unconstitutional laws from being passed that would give parts of the government too much power or violate the constitutional rights of the people.
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Checks and balances protect people from the abuses of power and excess government. Also, they protect the civil populous from and distortions that any excess power can bring.
It gives the ability to each of the governmental branches to keep another governmental branches from becoming too strong
It gives the ability to each of the governmental branches to keep another governmental branches from becoming too strong
It was sort of like a system to keep away people like BLOODY MARY from invading their land.
It was sort of like a system to keep away people like BLOODY MARY from invading their land.
Popular sovereignty also known as sovereignty of the people, is a system in which government powers are carefully spelled out to prevent government from becoming too powerful. Rule by the People is or representatives are the source of all political power.