a direct tax is divided among an individual person
direct tax
The Federal income tax is a progressive tax because the more a person makes in revenue, the more tax they will have to pay. The tax level or percentage is higher for those with a higher income, too.
There is no universal sales tax rate in America - each state, county and city applies their own sales tax. See 'Sources and related links' below for each rate.
a uniform tax imposed on each person
proportional tax or flat tax
a direct tax is divided among an individual person
Excise Tax
Tax is placed on both import and export.The government which receives the tax may be different for export and import.
Excise tax
Income tax rates often increase each year because it is 20% of income. This means that the more a person earns, they will have to pay a bit more tax each time.
The Townshend placed a tax on Many items
a direct tax is divided among an individual person
A tariff is a tax placed on imported goods. Each country has separate tariff regulations. The five main types of tariffs include revenue, ad valorem, specific, prohibitive and protective.